The first step for this project was to select the RegularExpressionValidator from the toolbox under Validation tab. Once I dragged it to the project all I had to do was add the ControlToValidate, some text on error and then add the ValidationExpression. This is where it got a little tricky as I assumed all I had to do was find someone that already had a sample that worked and add it. Here is a link that has some good examples on validation.Self-Validating-Text-Box
The problem was for the examples I found none of them seamed to work correctly. So then I had to dive into Regular Expressions and try to figure out how to make the one I downloaded work.
Here is a link on using regular expressions:The-30-Minute-Regex-Tutorial. After reading this I then downloaded Expresso and installed it on my computer. From here I could then use Expresso to test and validate my expressions.
Here is the expression I found on the internet:
\A(?:1[0-2]|0[1-9])[/.-](?:3[01]|[12][0-9]|0[1-9])[/.-][0-9]{4}[ \t]+(?:1[0-2]|0[1-9])[:.](?:1[0-9]|0[1-9])[:.][0-5][0-9][ \t]+(?:AM|PM)
This seamed to work fine on my first test case, so I put it in my code and of course it did not work. Therefore I then put it into the Expresso tool and started to run test cases.
So with a date/time of 06/13/2012 02:11:10 AM it worked fine, but when I changed the date/time to 06/13/2012 02:31:10 AM it did not work. So from here I needed to dive into regular expressions to see why it was not working. The first step I took was to review the Regex Analyzer on the right screen of Espresso. This will explain what the commands are doing and as listed below I went thru each on of them.
\A - Beginning of string
- () - grouping
- ?: match : 0 or 1 times
- 1[ looking for 1
- [0-2] range of 0 to 2
- 0[ looking for 0
[/.-] - Match [] operator so this will match / . -
This will match the /
- () - grouping
- ?: match : 0 or 1 times
- 3[ looking for 3
- [01] - match 01
- [12] match 12
- [0-9] range of 0 to 9
- 0[ looking for 0
- [1-9] range of 1 to 9
[/.-] Match [] operator so this will match / . -
This will match the /
[0-9]{4} - any class from 0-9 repeat 4 times
This will match the year to 2012
[ \t]+ match \t tab with any repetitions
This will match any tabs
- () - grouping
- ?: match : 0 or 1 times
- 1[ looking for 1
- [0-2] range of 0 to 2
- 0[ looking for 0
- [1-9] range of 1 to 9
[:.] - any character in this class
- () - grouping
- ?: match : 0 or 1 times
- 1[ looking for 1
- [0-9] range of 0 to 9
- 0[ looking for 0
- [1-9] range of 1 to 9
[:.]- any character in this class
- [0-5] - match 0 to 5
- [0-9] - match 0 to 9
[ \t]+ match \t tab with any repetitions
This will match any tabs
(?:AM|PM) - Match AM or PM
This will get the AM or PM
So from this break down I can see a couple of my problems in the time.
- (?:1[0-2]|0[1-9]) I need this to go from 0 to 5
- (?:1[0-9]|0[1-9]) I need this to also go from 0 to 5
- [ \t]+ I need to also handle space
- [/.-] I only want to match /
\A(?:1[0-2]|0[1-9])[/](?:3[01]|[12][0-9]|0[1-9])[/][0-9]{4}[ \s]+(?:1[0-2]|0[1-9])[:.](?:[1-5][0-9]|0[1-9])[:.][0-5][0-9][ \s]+(?:AM|PM)