Monday, June 4, 2012

There were deployment errors. Continue! Missing popup

For this blog I will go thru how to enable the delpoyment errors measage box if it is not showing in VC2008.

I ran into this problem on one of my PC's while testing a WCF service for a smart device. When I configure this device to deploy I will select cancel and then hit yes to continue to test out the WCF interface. Below is a snapshot of the WCFTest client.

Well for one of my PC's this was working, but for the other I would just get a deployment error. In order to enable this option got to tools->options->Projects and Solutions->Build and Run->On Run, when build or deplyment errors occur: Prompt to Launch.

1 comment:

  1. Good Article! It's amazing Visual Studio is such a great package, but like all great packages the more features equals more complexity. Sometimes it is the features and complexity that frustrates us the most!
